Enroll at Innovative Arts Academy for...
- A focused Middle & High School education: Grades 6-12
- Specialized Art-Based Programs: Graphic Arts, Culinary Arts, Fashion Design, Mass Communication, Dance, and Visual Arts
- Learning styles focused on student success and preparedness for future careers and furthered education
- A team of well-respected staff that is prepared to go the extra mile for you and your child
- An accepting and caring community always ready to lend a helping hand
Innovative Arts Academy is a public charter school that accepts all students from Pennsylvania. There are no auditions or interviews required. Students are enrolled on a first come first serve basis. If a grade level is capped, the student will be placed on a waiting list. Students residing within 10 miles of our school will receive transportation from their home school district. If you are interested in enrolling at Innovative Arts Academy or would like more information, please contact us by phone or complete the inquiry form below.Contact Admissions
Glenda Morris
Direct Phone Number: 610-686-8311 (Hablo Español)
Email: GMorris@iaacslv.net
Address: 330 Howertown Road Catasauqua, PA 18032
Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Start the Enrollment Process Today!
We look forward to speaking with you!
Required Documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Two Proofs of Residency
- Parent Proof of Identification
- Immunization Records
- Most Current Report Card
- Copy of IEP (If Applicable)