Title I Overview
Title I is a federal program that provides funds to school districts and schools with children who are disadvantaged to support a variety of services. Its overall purpose is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. Funding contains provisions for ensuring that children who are disadvantaged enrolled in private schools also benefit from the academic enrichment services funded with Title I.
Critical program elements are:
- needs assessment and program plan design
- parent involvement
- services to students enrolled in private schools
- high-quality teachers and paraprofessionals
- coordination of services for homeless students in non-Title I schools
- support for Title I Focus and Priority schools and
- comparability
Parental Notification
Notice: At any time a parent may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). Please make such requests in writing to:
Human Resources Department
Innovative Arts Academy
330 Howertown Road
Catasauqua, PA 18032