- Innovative Arts Academy Charter School
- Act 126 Mandated Reporter Training
- Mandated Reporter Procedure
Mandated Reporter Procedure
All school employees who come into contact with children are mandated reporters required by law to report when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child under the care, supervision, guidance or training of a person or of an agency, institution or organization is an abused child. However, any person may report suspected abuse. Mandated reporters must submit their name and contact information when making a report. Other members of the community who report can choose to remain anonymous. To make a report follow these steps:
Reporting Abuse Electronically:
- In case of emergency dial 9-1-1 or call the local police and then contact Childline 800-932-0313.
- Mandated reporters can make a report electronically to Childline via the Child Welfare Information Solution portal, Portal .
- Login using your INDIVIDUAL LOGIN or CREATE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. After submitting the report, you will receive a confirmation email. Print and keep this confirmation for documentation purposes and according to your records retention policy. The CY47 Child Abuse Report Form is not required if an electronic report is made in lieu of a call to Childline. The electronic report serves as both the oral and written report.
- Immediately inform your supervisor or the Superintendent as per district policy.
Reporting Abuse By Phone:
- In case of emergency dial 9-1-1 or call your local police and then contact Childline 800-932-0313.
- Call the Childline and Abuse Registry Intake Unit at 800-932-0313 (TDD: 866-872-1677) to inform of the facts and circumstances contributing to a suspicion of child abuse or neglect or of unborn child abuse.
- After calling Childline, mandated reporters must file a written report within 48 hours. This may be submitted one of two ways:
- Electronically using the Child Welfare Information Solution Portal, Portal . Login using your INDIVUDUAL LOGIN or CREATE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. After submiting the report, you will receive a confirmation email. Print and keep this confirmation for documentation purposes and according to your records retention policy.
- In writing by using the CY47 Child Abuse Report Form. Fax this form to Lehigh County Children and Youth at 610-871-2774.
- Immediately inform your supervisor or the CEO per Innovative Arts Academy policy.